How Does Nature Optimize Space and Manage Compression? With Dr. Clint Penick

The biomimicry podcast delves into the practice using natural forms and systems to create better designs for people and the planet.

In this episode, popular shapes in biomimicry design are discussed for their efficiency and resilience. Dr Clint Penick speaks about the space optimisation and function of shapes like the honeycomb and hexagon, related to bees and wasps. There is also discussion around urban ecology, social insects and the importance of collaborative research.

About this podcast:

We share Earth with millions of other species, many of whom have been around much longer than us. Biomimicry is the promising practice of learning from nature’s forms, processes, and systems to create life-friendly designs that benefit both people and the planet. Lily Urmann – a biomimic, educator, and nature communicator – will explore this exciting field and showcase how biomimicry is applied and practiced around the world; from architecture and engineering to material science, manufacturing, business, design and everything in-between. Join Lily as she dives into the brilliant and beautiful world of how nature works and interviews biomimics across cutting-edge disciplines. Together, let’s discover what we can learn from nature!


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